Sound is a powerful story

First blog post by Adrian Fearon, lead audio producer and engineer.

My goal is to create a sound track for Project Dissonance to envok the visual,gameplay and story of the world that my team are creating. I am an edm artist at heart and focusing my style fused with ambience elements found in alot of soundtracks is really exciting and interesting for me to work with. My team members are happy to allow me the musical freedom of styles for the game, my idea being is mixing cold artic vibed melodies and ambiance with electronic music in an oriental fashion. Sound tracks and artists that come to mind for my inspration are Rains World and Iglooghost. Im choosing to use FL studio and Splice for my workspace in under taking this project.

Its Not All Melodies and Emotions

A feild that I’m also in charge for this project is audio programing and sound engineering (Effects and Foly). Audio programming and engineering is a tast i’ve never done before but increditable ecited for. Since our project is going to be built in unity i’ve done reasure in audio programing and editing plugins for the workshop. On my investiongation i came across 2 possible canadates to switch i am currently experamenting with. One is FMOD a audio plugin made for making tracks and audio fxs 3D in a game envviroment aling with creating automation effects and scripts that can be applied to objects with in a scene. The other is Criware to which i have gotten a liseans for to use. Criware is popular audio plugin for game engines just like fmod aloth the interface is alot more sound designer and composer friendly as in making the UI very “DAW like” and layering and assigning effects much easier as there is less navigation between windows. Currently i am experamenting with the two plugin to see which one can give me more faster and cleaner/ satisfying results.

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