Music for listening

Title and start screen Audio design.

Title and start screen Audio design.

Setting the Mood

Since my last blog post i’ve begging to work on title screen audio from the music to the UI Sound FXs. While im still experamenting with UI design as it is farly new to me, though my team have set me in a direaction for it to sound “Digital/Glitchy” or “Rain World esc” ambiance noises which fits nicely with my theme and vibe of the music. Though i have successfully captured a title track that my team a very happy with that has its own mood, and ambience and though it is inspired by Rain World it doesnt sound like a clone just pick up in productiong elements are there like noise textures in the dorne sample i use in the background for the track which plays mostly out you can listen to it here. When talking to my team about the track I have been conflicted about the drums in the track as i love the vibe they give and soo does my team, my team memeber Jack said “Why dont you introduce them when selected on certain menues like the Options and Scene select screens that we plan to implament”. I feel in love with this idea and began to look for a way to programe the mixing into the game.

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