Tasks for mid november.

Task for November.

A quick summery of what I’ve done the past 2 weeks and what to do next.

29th October - 12th November

I worked on some UI and In game foley and sounds for our game. They included, Sword sounds, promts, success actions, sight jacking, radio noise, UI selection, enter sounds, back sounds and a demo pause or save screen track. I also started and have nearly finished a menu for the game, its just a prototype for now but my team artist will make it look fancy I have the code ready to go to be used. The Main menu has the front page witch have start game, options and quit, in the options you can find volume thresholds for music SFXs, drop downs for aspect ratio and graphics and an option for full screen or windowed.

Tasks to do now

I want to make a track to play when running around and moving the player, along with finish the remaining task for the UI. That includes hove sounds, getting the SFX slider to work correctly. I also need to make foot step sounds for the player and enimes.

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