Skeleton Crew

It’s been a busy week but we’ve managed to get a lot done within that time.

Jack and I had our Professional Development interviews this week so time to work on the project was quite tight for us.

Group Meeting (19/10/2018)

The group meeting we had on Friday last week was fantastic, Jack got to show off some incredible level designs to quick start the entire game. We sat there thinking of the entire level in our heads, the vertical layers to it, the twists and turns and for me personally the gameplay contexts. I couldn’t help but smile.

Protagonist Design

I worked up a finalized design of sorts, it includes a front pose and a color palette. I would like to get around to a back pose but only time will tell. I used a ton of references for this design and was mostly inspired by character design art by Tetsuya Nomura. I wanted to communicate an expression of frustration and sadness in this character’s face. His green highlights are to compliment his eyes, for overall balance but also to show to the player that he is the good guy. (or is he?)

Main Character Design A contraption in this guy’s robotic arm stores a grappeling hook.

Environment Concepts

As mentioned above, I felt compelled to draw a quick sketch of Jack’s vision. Hopefully I have encapsulated it well enough within the sketch, it is very rough. It depicts a highway bridge leading to the military complex, a base embedded in the mountain. Surrounding it are mountains of similar sizes, shrouded in snow with fog and mist below. I have not thought about the colors of this environment yet however I will note the time of day is important here. I will discuss this with Jack.

Environment Concept I used real-life references for the bridge which is subject to change, the military base is entirely concept, it’s main area should be expanded to something more reminiscent of a camp as in Jack’s concepts. I do like getting a glimpse of its structure here however.

First Group Session

So we all got together last Saturday for our first group work session and got the computer lab open (D2039). All of us a bit wrecked from the busy week. We pulled through in the end getting a good few solid hours of work. The College closes at 5PM on a Saturday so this is good to note the next time so that we all arrive earlier.

Group Overall Shot I used the projector to help Donnacha and Adrian with the blog.

Group Close Up Shot Adrian is seen here working hard on UI and Menu sounds.

Group Work Jack Jack getting the foundations of our level done in Unity.

Group Work Donnacha Donnacha whips up some props for use in Jack’s level.

This Week

  • I finalized the main character’s design.
  • I done a quick environment mock-up.
  • I set up my scene in Unity.

What I Will Focus On This Week

  • Progress my work in Unity, creating the code base structure for the player object.
  • Consider drawing more character concepts, such as the scientist, the general.etc
  • Finalize an environment design.
  • Design the standard enemy.
  • Implement the code basis for sight-jacking.
  • Do a bit of research to brush up on 3D modelling.
  • Get into Maya 3D and perhaps take on a few test models to import to Unity.

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